As now, companies introduced purchase restrictions for their customers. Others cut off the weak products or raised prices to the max to maximize profits. Many Mobile Phone Number stopped discounting, cut advertising budgets and reduced the number of sellers. But was that the right response to the situation? Is the role of marketing, sales and advertising less important in times of shortages? "Of course not," writes marketing strategist Mobile Phone Number Kotler, but the market instruments must be used differently.Techniques to successfully overcome scarcity Time proved Kotler right.
Companies that did not adapt sufficiently or even resisted the Mobile Phone Number new laws of the scarcity economy, came back from a cold fair. Such as the American car industry, where it was realized much too late that motorists were switching en masse to cars from Japan. Cars that were not only more economical, but were also made according to Mobile Phone Number more modern production methods. Companies that adapted faster and Mobile Phone Number better to the new reality came out of the crisis stronger. While computing was a rarity at the time,
Just-in-time manufacturing was a novelty, and e-commerce had yet to be invented, it laid the foundation for many of today's marketing methods. Mobile Phone Number Also read: Hybrid working is not good In his article, Kotler describes various techniques to successfully endure a period of scarcity: Scenario planning Product Mobile Phone Number portfolio analysis customer mix The role of sales The role of advertising Product and product line expansion In.