Post excerpts from his book where he can go and react. Listen to the full conversation with learn how to build relationships in the world of marketing. Marketers + about matching influencers with brands unfortunately we often get caught up in the fact that anyone can be a creator and these influencers usually create more to entertain more it's for recipients who only express their opinions. It also makes it a bit of a waste in this world of influencers. The role of brands here should also include taking some responsibility when selecting influencers so as not to create empty content that doesn’t bring any value. So these influencers really fit the strategy they actually have.
It's not just because if he attracts us we'll take him and attract him right well because this kind of content is useless for users in the long run. Listen to the full conversation on content marketing. vibes "The whole marketing message editorial note is based on my personality real personality when someone meets me in real life and tells me hey whatsapp mobile number list you look like those in these movies don't I mean that the most beautiful thing. So first of all I'm not pretending in a marketing message on the other hand I'm not pretending a business relationship the principle is if I'm dating someone I'm not a stiff guy who's only now starting to talk numbers I'm a totally laid back guy tell what's wrong with you. I'm from kolobrzeg so I'm brain.
The concept of vacation in zili is work because kolobrzeg is a resort city. My first business was selling ice cream on the beach. A very good marketing school. When I was sixteen, I made 25,000 a month. It wasn't until years later that I read in a book that I was doing cross-selling up-selling and image building. Attention to detail. In this context I have learned two things. It's important to take breaks while you're at work and second, to make work your passion. When you do what you love and enjoy, you can do it whenever you want. You don't have a clear framework. You are your own boss. Let me give an example week. People complain about the week. Like one time when the company started to grow I also noticed that I started to accept that the week wasn't fun right so I said ok I start working on tuesday. So week is fine.